I always tell the garden spirits that I am going away on a holiday of any length. They like to know my whereabouts and this way they don’t feel left out. More important is for us humans to acknowledge that the garden spirits are our helpers and supporters and they perform a lot of magic that you might not be aware of if you can’t see, feel or hear it. If you still your mind and take time to observe with all your senses what is going on in your garden or nature you will eventually start learning and understand.
The spirits all present themselves one way or the other. Sometimes you will see a different light or energy movement between the sunflowers. You might get a pat on your shoulder or you hat will get knocked off your head while walking through your fruit orchard all caused by the garden spirit communicating with you. Like one morning I was walking on a narrow track a small group of Black Cockatoos flew over. They landed in the tall tree next to the creek not far from the track. They are just stunning. I just adore them and they are on my top ten list of favourite birds. I keep an eye on them still walking and not looking at the track at all. I feel this tap on my shoulder and I hear this voice saying “Look down”. So that is what I did. Right there in front of me not even two steps is a big black snake sunning itself curled up in a spiral. It lifts its head and it is hissing. Before I know I do a high jump backwards turn in the air and somehow I move horizontal still in the air. I am out of here. My heart goes into gallop and the adrenalin pumps full throttle. This was on Tasmania and here you don’t need to look up in your snake book to identify the fellow as there are only three different types of snakes and they are all deadly. It makes it easy for a blonde little old lady like me that has gone grey. I have been extremely close to many snakes and I think that snake is my totem. I better look into that.
Back to Biboohra and we are getting ready to leave for New Zealand. I walk around the garden to see if I can find our two small lizards the ones I call Beanie and Bonny. Beanie got his name because he has a red face and neck with a beautiful pattern. Bonny got her name because she is just so sweet and adorable. Sure enough they both come out of the leaf litter and hop into my Buddha circle and they gestured to me that they want their photo taken. They are both fanning themselves and it looks as if they are waving goodbye. It looks so cute and you realise that you don’t need a television for entertainment.
Photo taken now where to find Skippy and Little Walleye? I only had to think the thought and Skippy comes jumping across the grassed area and I wave to him. He is not tame at all but has gotten use to our present and he knows we won’t hurt him. Little Walleye is nowhere to be found I wonder what he is up to! I have an old photo of the two of them together with their friend Guineafowl.

I can’t spot our Frilled Lizard but he is somewhere hiding in a tree or roaming the ground for goodies. I call out to him and say that we are leaving. Look after the castle while we are away! Rudi is the last one to acknowledge and he is our special guard dog but he is not a dog he is a trap door spider and he can kill if he feels like it. He killed a spider one night. It must have come too close to his trapdoor and he snatched it and killed it. We could have no better guard dog than Rudi. I give him a soft green grasshopper and he opens his trapdoor, pull the spider down his tunnel and just before closing the lid he gives me a big smile confirming that he knows we are on our way to new adventures in New Zealand and he will look after the place.
I didn’t expect to see our three Curlews at our caravan this morning. They sort of have a pattern of moving around during the day and during the week. As far as my observations goes they would be hanging around the water tank and sure enough that’s where I found them on my way to the toilet. However as we were just about finished packing up and closing the door to the caravan they had all three moved just next to our car. This is the closest they have ever been to us. Their big eyes staring at us! So I blew them some kisses and they responded with some sort of Curlew dance then sat down to let us get on with our chores. My friend Jutta has also got some residential Curlews. I snatched a photo of them and even got a photo of their baby playing dead.
I now call upon all the garden spirits and tell them that I am leaving and can they please protect all living beings and stay happy till our return. The trees are bowing and there is a white light surrounding the place which is glowing by now. I address the four directions and call upon the four elements.
Fire in the East. We call to Fire to come to this place and protect us. Fire is power, Fire is passion bound by heart. We honour you.
Air in the North. We call to Air to come to this place and protect us. Air is breath, air is flight bound by heart. We honour you.
Earth in the West. We call to Earth to come to this place and protect us. Earth is strength, ancient one bound by heart. We honour you.
Water in the South. We call to Water to come to this place and protect us. Water is life we drink the water of life bound by heart. We honour you.
We are ready to go!
We hop in the car and roll out slowly with the most superb feeling inside full of excitement and what is awaiting us around the corner and out there in the big world. To our astonishment Little Walleye is sitting at the gate smiling at us. He just wanted it to be a surprise that he personally would wave us goodbye right there at the gate. Then Peder spots a stick in the middle of the drive way in the gravel past the gate. “What’s that” he said” it wasn’t there 20 minutes ago when I went out with the rubbish”. As we came closer we could see that it was our Frilled Lizard not hiding in a tree at all. No he knew perfectly well that we were leaving. He was a living roadblock stopping our car. We had to get out as he wanted to kiss and hug for real. Out I jumped and as soon as I hit the ground he was gone sending us off on a safe and daring holiday.
I was in tears and my heart filled with passion and deep love for nature and life.
P.S. I did not get a photo of Frilly as we call him being a roadblock but I have one of him being lazy in one of his favourite trees.

What a magical story Ulla, thank you for sharing about your garden friends and spirits. I feel we also have garden spirits at Binnawee and I am looking forward to getting to know them better. Thank You also for the address you shared to the four directions, it’s beautiful and such a wonder-filled way to connect with the Ancients. xo
Hi Ulla what a great Story to read. We both could not help feeling familiar and very connected to the place and the guardian animals and spirits 😉 looking forward to the next one👍Cheers j&h
Great story as usual, wouldn’t expect anything else! Love all your animals and I also really appreciated the ritual of the four directions. I think we all are very fortunate to live in such a wonderful area and I am grateful every day. Love Lindy.
What more can I say.
Lots of love and miracles and I will see you before your next adventrue
What one sees in the garden with a little attention! We just need to make the time and slow down our helter skelter lives. You show us how Ulla. What a lovely head space for us all to emulate.
Thanks for an inspiring read to begin my day. I am going out to the friends in my garden now to have a chat.
Great to read, Ulla. As of your connection with the animals around you: I still remember watching in awe when Matey and all the other cows stood around the gate in a half circle to say bye bye to you……….Magic 🙂
Great to read, Ulla. As of your connection with the animals around you: I still remember watching in awe when Matey and all the other cows stood around the gate in a half circle to say bye bye to you……….Magic 🙂
Thanks for another wonderful story. We are so privileged to be living on The Tablelands, one of the most fertile places on Mother Earth. There is so much wildlife, still living freely, amongst us. I often feel that the wallabies at my place feel sorry for me having to live in a cage while they are outside having fun. Your lovely words say it all.
Hiya – really love your stories and can relate to them as I love living in the bush as you know.
take care and enjoy every moment