I always celebrate Full Moon. I think it is a wonderful phase of the Moon’s journey. I recharge and cleanse my crystals every Full Moon. I have a small white circular cloth which represents the Full Moon. I put it out in the garden on the ground in a beautiful spot where I usually don’t walk. I place a big Abalone shell in the middle of the cloth and fill it with small clear crystals. I place four cone shaped shells pointing outwards with even distance, one for each direction. Around the Abalone I place all the crystals I want to recharge in a pattern following my intuition. You can place whatever you feel like on the cloth. I usually put some coral and Moonstone out. The shells represent water and the Moon Goddess. In the grass outside of the cloth I place 4 white feathers one for each direction pointing in the direction of East, North, South and West. This layout is like a Mandala. Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning “Circle” It is of spiritual and ritual significance and Mandala helps us focus. It establishes a sacred space and is a great place for meditation and getting into a trance.
Sometimes depending of my mood I don’t use the white cloth but place all my decorations directly on the ground.
The spiral figure has been used for thousands of years in many different parts of the world. It is a symbol of change, progression and development. Spirals represent the life cycle, fertility, childbirth and rebirth; it is a symbol of the Mother Goddess. It is about intuition. It is a symbol of the universe. The stars above us spin around a central point and we live within a spiral galaxy. Spirals represent the cosmic forces, the Sun, the cycles of time the changing seasons and it also represent our spiritual journey. The spiral helps our consciousness to accept the turning and changes of life as it evolves from chaos to order to chaos to order and so forth. Think of the spirals formed during a cyclone.
Taking time to perform such a ritual as laying out a Full Moon Mandala using certain symbols infuses you with the energy of those particular symbols. It connects you with the core of life.
I lit some candles and Sandal wood incense sticks. I burn/smoulder some herbs on a small charcoal. I use herbs from the garden wherever I can and buy other herbs from the organic shop or other herb supplier around the country. I made a nice smelling mixture which is for “Calling Spirit”. I found it a great mixture to use at Full Moon. I mixed Dandelion root roasted and ground, Dandelion leaf, Sweet Grass, Thistle, Tobacco and Wormwood. It is a great mixture so give it a go or mix other herbs of your choice. Have a look in your kitchen cupboard to see what you have available. You will be surprised to see how much magic you have stored in these places.
I made another mixture for happiness and joy which is also good to use at Full Moon. It consists of Lavender, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Saffron, St. John’s-wort, Resin from Gum tree, wood shavings from Grey Sassafras, Sawdust of Red Forest Gum, Dragon’s Blood, Benzoin Gum, Lemon Myrtle, Amber and Hyacinth oil.
My very special Full Moon herb mixture consists of the following ingredients: Resin from Eucalyptus tree, Sawdust of Grey Sassafras, Eucalyptus leaves and flower buds, Sage, Sandalwood, Lemon Balm, Lemon rind, Lemongrass, Tobacco, Poppy and pulverised sweet pea. Add 3 drops of Lemon Balm oil, 5 drops of Sandalwood oil and 9 drops of White Camphor oil. This is absolutely awesome. Once you inhale this mixture you go into a complete different dimension of your being and you might even see two Full Moons if you look up to the sky when you let your vision go out of focus.
To further your connection with the Moon I use an oil blend which consists of the following oils: 5 drops of Sandalwood, 3 drops Lemon, 1 drop Rose, 10ml Primrose oil as carrier. I use this blend after sundown because Lemon oil can damage your skin if it is exposed to strong sunlight. Please be aware to use only natural organic oils. Synthetic oils will very likely make you sick.
Once all is in place I sit down somewhere comfortable in the garden and watch the Full Moon rise. It is stunning. I listen to the sound of the bush and heart beat of Mother Earth.
I do a bit of chanting now and again while I add some more herb mixture to the charcoal. I have a couple of feathers tied together. I use them to waft the smoke towards myself. Feel the soothing energy of the Moon
Before Full Moon Brew
I thought why not treat the garden to some more Moon energy! Here we go! This is my “Before Full Moon brew”: Soak Quartz Crystal, Moonstone and white shells in rainwater in a stainless steel pot add Coconut flesh, Eucalyptus flower buds, Aloe Vera gel, and Lemon Balm leaves. Soak for 12 hours. Strain and spray your garden two hours before Full Moon. Yes, I know! You could be out there in the garden in the dark! This is an atmospheric spray great for the foliage, elves and fire salamanders. Not to mention the gardener and all involved.
There is no end to the possibilities and I love to “see” and feel the changes of and in the atmosphere for each time I put out a spray. Have a go yourself, have some fun, take your hat off and let your garden hair down!
Beautiful ritual Ulla. Makes me feel good just to read about it and your connection with Mother Nature. An inspiration.
Love the variety of mandalas you have made depending what season it is. A real inspiration! Hope to have time to do this myself one day. Lots of love , Lindy. ❣️❣️❣️
Ulla, thank you for sharing your Scared Ritual with us all, the photos of your various Mandalas are simply stunning; each one holding a different magic essence within themselves. Thank You for reminding us that we are ALL very capable of creating positive, uplifting magic in our own lives on a regular basis. Just knowing this, can be helpful and give us a way of lifting the ‘heaviness’ we may feel with the way things can be unfolding in our lives at times. I am especially excited to share this Full Moon Ritual with by beautiful Bonus Grandchildren so they too can learn another very special way of connecting with the Universe. Lots of Love to You Ulla ~ Maria xo
Beautiful Grandmother Moon, a great time to recharge crystals. Love your creativity Ulla.
I love your work Ulla, you creative creature you. Love and Light to you, and yours!