Travelling the world is a serious business. You stuff your backpack with all different guide books, road maps, maps of the world more glossy Phrase booklets you might think you need until your are loaded to the eyeballs. However you never seem to have the right directions anyway on how to get lost in a hurry. Many a time I find travel books a bit boring and those with the glossy pictures of all the fancy places you can go visit doesn’t appeal to me. It is too upmarket and the places are crowded as this is where all the readers go. Some travellers follow the travel guides to the fingertip. Some travellers won’t even enter a restaurant if it is not mentioned in Lonely Planet, The Rough Guide, Eyewitness Travel Guide or on Trip Advisor etc.
Now with such a critical view of the travel books available what do you do to satisfy your need for some basic guidelines? If I met a person with the above attitude I would suggest the person to stay at home!
However we are some people with a great need to travel and travel on a budget and go to places where no one else goes. I got this brilliant idea to create my own travel guide and I am just so pleased to be able to share the book with you.
First of all be happy with where you are. Ask the locals where to go for a nice cup of tea or coffee and a healthy lunch. Ask the locals where they go for a week end trip or where there is a nice fishing spot. Go to the bus station or train station and have a look around to see if any transport is heading the way you are going or jump on the bus with the last spare seat available. Then on the other hand of cause you can find any information you need on the internet. If you are a web surfer your backpack will of cause be very light to carry around but on the other hand if you stuff yourself with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram then you might wonder what happened to the beauty of the world. Life is a classroom and we have so much to learn.
This is how my travel book came together: As I travel I collect local maps, train, boat, bus, tram, plane tickets and any important business cards to come in handy especially those with cheap accommodation in the Red Light district. I collect dried out condoms just to be on the safe side. And did you know that there is a restaurant in Thailand called “Condoms and Cabbages”. Well there you go! So much to see out there in the big world! Why not cross the creek today and get started. I have compiled a trash of tea bags wrapping paper, clippings from the local paper and articles from different magazines in whatever language depending of the country I am roaming. It all comes with the book.
This personal travel guide has got everything. All the maps you can ever dream of but not necessarily the map you need to find the airport in Nice or the road leading you through the French Alps but as I heard all roads leads to Rome. This guide covers many a destination but not the whole world. I guess that would be a rather large volume to produce but since I have not written much in the guide book it can be applied around the world anyway.
It’s a book of great comfort and a pleasure for the eye to have a look at and I have used colourful touch and items as my travels are always colourful, exciting, exhausting and tremendously funny especially in hindsight and safe at home.
This book is great for planning all your future trips either on Earth or to the Moon and nowadays some people are training to travel to Mars. All I can say: “Bon voyage” and I truly mean it. This book is also considered safe to use when you plan astral travelling. Then the first step is to be still, seeking deep within and listen to your soul as you are on a spiritual path and the maps in the book are colourful enough to lead you to the world of rainbows. And what more could you wish for? I am only asking.
It is the guide to inner peace which is virtually the most important journey in life. Patience, persistence and perseverance is all needed while you navigate my ultimate travel guide as there is no page numbers to lead you astray and no reference to where photos originates from or which town is shown on certain maps. Just relax and let the journey begin and it begins in your armchair where you are most comfortable with your woollen shawl wrapped around you. Should you need a great idea for your next flop textile shawl have a look at my Crocodile Wrap in the craft section.
I have enclosed a lot of tickets in the book should you like to go on boat rides or visit some museums and the like. They are all supplied free of charge.
This is a great book for the readers who can read between the lines that are not there. It is great for day dreaming and chock-a-block full of inspiration no matter what you like to do. Some photos have been included just to show that “I have been there and done that”. An expression I just hate. There is no need to subscribe to the travel book as there is no subscription available. Don’t worry about your budget as the guide book is not for sale. I urge you to make your own personal guide. Start with a mud map and take it from there.
By the way, if you travel in Spain go to the small villages and at night time go to the cemetery. This is a most wonderful place to get lovely candles and they last a long time.
My Creative Writer’s Travel Guide is divided into two separate compartments emphasizing the need to use both sides of your brain at the same time.
Ups must let you know that the book is called “Go Global Your Ultimate Travel Guide”. If you want to see the “Sophisticated” version of the book please click on this link.
Ulla says
Greatest moment of my life
Andreas says
Er det ikke for meget for langt for kort
Robin says
All I can say is it’s bloody warm inside a crocodile!
Chris Lucas says
wonderful! so Ulla! you’re so inspiring!! a wonderful way to store memory prompts!
Shelley says
Crocodile rock for sure.
Love it, so original of course