We had a fabulous trip to Alice Springs. The Beanie Festival was great fun and 7000 beanies made their way to the heart of our beautiful country.
This year’s theme was “Out of this world” and one section was about the planets. So what do you do? We have been going to a few biodynamic calendar days and learned about oppositions of planets. Planetary retrograde movements, trines, perigee and moon crossing equator is all part of our daily life, aware or not paying attention, it is all happening. All in all very interesting news but how to put that into a Beanie without getting lost on your way to Saturn following the Milky Way?
I put on my thinking cap and it sent me spinning through all the moon positions you could ever think of. I ended up getting into a splendid ascending mood and created a Mars beanie for Peder. I knitted it out of his own hand spun yarns added some wire on the inside of the beanie to stick out and placed all the planets on the tips of the wire. No matter which way he turned he had plenty of planetary movements to relate to.
Creating Mars I think you need to add a bit of Venus energy as well. I knitted a beanie out of some pink fabric strips I found in my craft box. I was lucky to find a small pink hat in a second hand shop in Alice put it all together with some fringe material and I looked like my Grandmother’s lamp shade. I had some wire sticking out of the top of the beanie and put the Moon on the tip of it. So between us we had Moon opposite Venus and Mars conjunct Saturn.
Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio. Mars is all about confidence, self-assertion, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambitions and impulsiveness. Mars is passionate impulse and action, the masculine aspect, and it goes beyond sex into your drive, discipline, will power and stamina. Mars orbits the Sun in 687 days spending about 57.25 days in each sign of the zodiac. Mars is an outer planet.
Mars rules Stinging Nettle 504. Mars plants give energy that promote independence and assertiveness and stimulate our passion. Mars plants can be used for protection and to promote motivation. Mars rules our muscles, head, adrenal glands, senses of smell and taste. Mars rules red stones. They are projective and active. It is the colour of blood, of birth and death. It is the element of Fire.
The energy of Venus is all about harmony, beauty and balance. It is about our feelings and affections, our urge to sympathize and unite with others. It is our desire for pleasure, sensuality, personal possessions, comfort and ease. Venus rules the throat, kidneys, thymus gland, sense of touch and the ovaries. Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra. It orbits the Sun in 225 days spending about 18.75 days in each zodiac sign. Venus is an inner planet. Venus rules Yarrow 502. Venus plants bring joy, beauty, artistry, sensitivity and compassion.
Venus rules pink stones. They are receptive, packed with loving vibrations. They are calming, soothing and are used to relax the physical body as well as the mind. Pink stones promote peace, happiness, joy and laughter. Venus also rules green stones which are receptive. It is all about nature, fertility and life healing. Strengthen the eyes, control the kidneys, relieve stomach problems and prevent migraines. Wear in the garden to promote luxuriant growth, or place in the earth for this purpose. Green stones increase fertility and therefore promote conception. It is the Earth Element grounding and balancing and helps you to attune with our Mother Earth.
Can you imagine all these energies spiralling around our beanies? No wonder we were a bit wobbly at the end of the festival. What a show and we are still laughing mainly at ourselves.